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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

  172 Silver Cup
I'm not trying to claim bragging rights that my car is 200bhp just simply showing that this setup didn't harm the performance. I pulls well, making max bhp at top revs. It was just an example of what this set up produces. Take 20bhp off if u wish. Regards the warm up, car was warmish after drive there, was running for 10mins before the rr setup so it was warm enough. We were shocked it didn't rev all the way.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
mine hit 193 on a rr. Take 20 off that and its about right.
I just like the sound, not to bothered about the gains. Its quick enough for on the road.
for a track car I would look into it more and @Greeny yeah that's fine pm me some details over mate


ClioSport Club Member
Crank breather? Mine's just on a silicone hose with a filter on the end, you can see it in the back of the photo next to the expansion tank. Some silicone elbows have a hole for the breather anyway, but in this case mine doesn't.

I've got some samco bend the same size as the ICV pipe so I'll run a breather like you've got. Cant quite see in the pic but is it resting on the expansion tank or have you made a bracket?

I've gone for a ITG filter.


ClioSport Club Member
Ok this has taken a while for me to get around to this after my post a while back, but actually reading through this are fitting this to a Ph1 different?
What crank breather do you mean @Dr Jekyll ?? Is it this bit of pipe?

And presume you just put some other hose and a mini filter on it the same as @McGherkin ?? (I can see that in his picture, yours is slightly obscured)
Also what silicone hose do you use for the filter? is it detailed in your progress thread?


ClioSport Club Member

Here is my setup. I thought i had a pic of it fitted but i must have deleted it. I can get a pic for you tomorrow if you require. (Its currently off the car due to the engine going bang :()

Breather filter setup by Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr

Breather filter setup by Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr

Breather filter setup by Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr

Remove the ICV pipe (circled in your) and replace with this. The pipe is 90 degrees and ID is 18mm, OD is 28mm. This will fit perfectly with the 15mm breather filter. You'll need a couple of jubilee clips and may need to cut the ends down on the bend for a subtle fit.


ClioSport Club Member
Here is my setup. I thought i had a pic of it fitted but i must have deleted it. I can get a pic for you tomorrow if you require. (Its currently off the car due to the engine going bang 😧)
This is excellent, exactly the info I need, as I had the main filter set up sorted in my head. I didn't know what was meant by the ICV pipe and that just threw me. Will look at getting those parts for next month, time to do some overtime at work as I need to some other things for the car (and house move, but car comes first). Yes I did read about your engine going bang, not ideal really, but all the best getting the replacement in!!


ClioSport Club Member
Good stuff :) ICV - Idle control valve. Those bits above are less that £15 delivered. While i was waiting for the parts to turn up, i just left my old pipe connected with nothing on the end. As said, i can get a pic of how it sits if that helps?

Yeah bad news is not ideal, but it'll get sorted :)
Pic of how it sits please Mark :smile:

That link to the Silicone bend doesn't have an 18mm :(

Also does anyone know if a K&N will fit between the headlamp and battery. Might chuck a 90 degree bend on and use my K&N till i get the rest through.
  Clio 182
thanks to the fatty for making this thread, I installed this last week and I fricken LOVE it. The sound is intoxicating. I used to have a heavily modified Focus ST (5 pot) and I've missed that sound since I sold it more than a year ago, but I reckon this sounds better! The additional growl you get past 5200rpm is so satisfying.

I ended up ordering the Ram Air filter kit for the 172 (rather than the standalone filter), which is designed to stick directly out of the rubber pipe into the throttle body. Less than ideal, but they include a bracket that bolts to the top of the gearbox, and a special jubliee clip like the one on page 1 of this thread. I lined that jubilee with foam and fastened it to the alloy bend and it holds the whole thing very steady without cable ties or any rubbish.

There are plenty of videos on youtube showing how the K-Tec one sounds and I'd say this sounds identical, but I put a video up anyway!

fatty's intake:
original intake (with standard and deresonated exhaust comparison):

  Clio 182
Yeah huge difference, I thought the car was missing something before this, I had the centre resonator/silencer replaced with a straight pipe a week prior but other than a raspy note it didn't give me what I was after. Now I reckon the car sounds spot on. I feel kinda sorry for people when I overtake them on country roads now, the sound must be pretty full on! I'm in Perth (Western Australia).


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Great stuff. I had one of these kits, well two but anyway. The ktec one imo is louder, but this kit is great value for money. I've gone back to stock so will see how long I get bored of no noise.

Car looks good btw


ClioSport Club Member
This thing is bloody hilarious! Best thing about it is at smaller throttle openings it makes no difference at all, but put your foot down and it absolutely howls. I've been enjoying letting my inner chav out to play on local roads this afternoon. :smile:

My install. Sorry to all you engine bay detailers/OCD types, I look after my cars, but cleaning the engine bay is not for me. I did at least trim the cable ties down after taking the picture. :wink:
Last edited:


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
This thing is bloody hilarious! Best thing about it is at smaller throttle openings it makes no difference at all, but put your foot down and it absolutely howls. I've been enjoying letting my inner chav out to play on local roads this afternoon. :smile:

My install. Sorry to all you engine bay detailers/OCD types, I look after my cars, but cleaning the engine bay is not for me. I did at least trim the cable ties down after taking the picture. :wink:
View attachment 128651

Holy cable ties, batman!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
How we all finding this, I'm kind of missing the noise lol. Anyone been on the rollers with the setup


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Some positives then. I think I prefer the ktec one, I found it a bit more throaty. But at the price of these I could add my own noise if needs be. Was watching an old video of it on at Oulton a few months back, does sound good

