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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

  Ph2 Clio 172
Drove my mates MX5 yesterday on track and with a cone filter and being open topped it made my standard airbox setup sound pathetically boring.
  Clio Sport 172
I think I've got the horn in the way, where do I move that too? Also anything else needed to be done To get more air into that area?
  Clio Sport 172
The horn is near the foglights. This filter set-up goes from the throttle body to in front of the battery.
What's this in the way then?

  Clio II 172 RS Ph1
Hiya, this is what I created not too long ago, after being inspired by this thread. The ICV has it's own breather filter using a 18mm plastic coupler and breather filter. Unfortunately no dyno numbers to backup the performance, but it sounds and feels awesome :smile: The car "feels" more alive now and the induction noise has to be enjoyed everyday

Base products
Apexi Power Intake + Breather filter by Andy Ramdin, on Flickr

Initial setup with 90 degree silicone (not all parts delivered yet, but couldnt wait so went for it hehe)
First CAI mod setup by Andy Ramdin, on Flickr

Then the final build
Apexi Closeup by Andy Ramdin, on Flickr

Custom Cold Air Intake Overview by Andy Ramdin, on Flickr

Custom Cold Air Intake by Andy Ramdin, on Flickr

So what did I use?
- 1x 18mm plastic coupler
- 1x 18mm breather filter
- 1x Apexi powerfilter
- 1x 70mm 90 degree silicone bend
- 1x 70mm 90 degree aluminium bend
- 1x 70mm to 76mm silicone reducer
- A bit of heat wrap
- Some jubilee clips

90% of the stuff was bought on Aliexpress, so quite a cheap mod!
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  Clio Sport 172


ClioSport Club Member
I got the original off set Ram Air filter.

Is there any benefits of having the filter by the battery? As I have just the 90deg bend (not all the parts turned up), but now I have the second 90deg bend and joiner.

If it is just the hot air / heat issue, I can always put a cold air pipe from the fog light ducts.
  Phase 1 Clio 172
Understandable they sound great! Can't promise much power gain by moving it but it's getting hotter air where u've got it so worth moving.


ClioSport Club Member
Understandable they sound great! Can't promise much power gain by moving it but it's getting hotter air where u've got it so worth moving.
Better? :tongueclosed:

The only place it is rubbing is by the filter, but it is resting on the jubilee clip. But would rather have a piece of rubber there instead to add more protection. Also would like to shorten the jubilee clips as they could look a little gash.

I didn't do this for the power gains, but for the noise really. Let my inner chav out!! But any power gain is better than nothing!!


ClioSport Club Member
Just get any old rubber to stop the chafing. I think I used a old bit of hose and sliced it down the middle!

The old airbox rubber brace holder is not needed now as well Kit ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Just get any old rubber to stop the chafing. I think I used a old bit of hose and sliced it down the middle!

The old airbox rubber brace holder is not needed now as well Kit :wink:
Some old hose is kicking about somewhere in the spares box.
Ohh shhhhhh!! I got a little too excited fitting it so may have forgotten to remove it, plus there is a cable tie on it, but can always relocate that. Also how have you secured the hose in place to stop it vibrating?
  2005 Clio 182 Cup
Hi all, this might be a dumb question. But I've installed a similar intake to the fattys and it sounds amazing once it gets going but in first gear (regardless of the rev level) it just sounds stock, then in second it starts to kick in at around 4000 then in third I can pretty much cruise at 3000 and it roars. Any suggestions?
  RS182 Full Fat
Why leave this bit on? (see pic). I have the same induction kit but i pulled that bottom air feed out as that is no longer directed at anything. Thats the one that entered the bottom of the Oe air box?

So my 70mm hose and 70mm filter are matching each other up and theres no chance one is going inside the other to clamp up...

Am i being stupid or is the hose supposed to be a bit bigger than 70mm?
