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The girlfriend strikes again! Crash No.3


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Thanks for the tips again guys, she's got a quote of someone already for £450 so at least she's being proactive about it :smile:

We're cool now, it's just (both) our mums that are being annoying about it! Buzz off... no one elses business really!

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
What a cnut of a color to match, so many shades and the flake in titanium is metal.

Good luck.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
I'll never have a silver car due to any matching issues.

For a decent job you're probably looking for the side to be done imo


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Wicked mate do you have any contact details? I'm half tempted to just sell up and move on... only wanted to keep the car for another year or so anyway. Thing is it'd be worth nothing now innit and to be honest for £3,000 there just isn't anything better than a Clio 182 is there!?

The missus has given me my spare key back and said she's never driving it again lol.
  Pug 206 SW, 172 CUP
Plenty of good cars about for 3k. The Clios are only cheap to run if you get one with all the big stuff done. The special thing about the clios is that they hold on to a little bit of what made older cars a joy to drive.

My wife's friend had a weird green metallic colour on her fiesta fixed twice in the same place after she mashed it in on the hard bits of a big hedge. Rear quarter and door needed very deep gouges fixed. Completely invisible repair that wasn't mega bucks so it can be done.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Wicked mate do you have any contact details? I'm half tempted to just sell up and move on... only wanted to keep the car for another year or so anyway. Thing is it'd be worth nothing now innit and to be honest for £3,000 there just isn't anything better than a Clio 182 is there!?

The missus has given me my spare key back and said she's never driving it again lol.
if you want to give her some Driving lessons for a birthday or Christmas present just drop me a PM :wink:


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Yes she's insured on it. I really don't think it's worth losing my NCB over! Plus my excess is almost what the repair's going to cost anyway...


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
How do you even do that in a Clio! She's obviously taken something uber right but that's verging on retardedness. Clio is tiny.

At least you know never to buy anything bigger for her. Or any car.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Also, why when women hit stuff, do they keep going?? Why not think "hold on, let's go backwards and avoid any more damage"

They're dumb as f**k I'm telling you.
  RB Clio 182
No seen her since about 6pm! Lol

Although we haven't argued for ages. That's not like us. I might go upstairs and call her a prick, just to liven Things up a bit.

Hahahaha reminds me of me mate, the way you come across on here you remind me of me, hope that doesnt offend you lol.


ClioSport Moderator
No seen her since about 6pm! Lol

Although we haven't argued for ages. That's not like us. I might go upstairs and call her a prick, just to liven Things up a bit.
Liven things up? You're living in the past. When I fall out with a girlfriend, I normally put a couple of spoons in the fork compartment of the draw or unpair her socks and pair them up with odd ones. Proper rustles their jimmies.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Liven things up? You're living in the past. When I fall out with a girlfriend, I normally put a couple of spoons in the fork compartment of the draw or unpair her socks and pair them up with odd ones. Proper rustles their jimmies.

He could always double up and put the toaster in the sock draw?
  MG ZR x2, Polo, CTR
She must be uber hot or f**king dynamite in the sack
can't believe you were still letting her drive it after the first time! (coming from the guy that wrote off his wife's 106, twice)
