Well nothing much to report, took the plunge to replace the turbo studs and nuts, a good 6-7 hour job at a leisurely pace, not fun at all but all done, i am VERY surprised at the difference a small leak can make betwen manifold an turbo, since ive changed it all it 100% is boosing better, and feeling more torquey, doesnt drop off boost as much through gear changes, i was quite shocked so it made the hours worthwhile.
I'll be makeing a brace to hold the down rigid to the block to stop and flex between the downpipe and turbo should eliminate this problem every happening again
ALso noticed the A/R stamps inside the housing now. .64 exhaust housing, and .42 compressor housing. A few pictures but nothing of real interest (im keeping up this habbit of takeing poor pictures!)
Turbo out after many hours of swearing!!
Leaking oil return, cross threaded, but think ive actually sorted it now
Also finished off fitting my Walbro 255lph pump to a spare fuel pump housing, may be helpful for others as i cant see a guide anywhere on cliosport that helps people fit these. I was contemplating doign a guide, but i didnt take enough step by step photos.
This hole is where excess pressure is vented directly into a regulator. Seeing as i am going to be using a regulator in the rail these needs to be blocked off so the fuel pump "bowl" stays pressurised. An M5 bolt creates an extremely tight fit and should work well.
Next up is actually fitting a return line into the tank, i guess you can get a ph1 which has this inbuilt but.... i didnt. Drill an 8mm hole through the top (use the tube sticking down on the bottom as a guide for a straight hole), then used an 1/8" NPTF tap and just screwed it in by hand (easy as its plastic).
Then screwed in a 1/8" NPTF 90 degree 8mm tail fitting, because the thread is tapered the more you screw it in the tighter it gets and created a good seal, hence no need for sealing washers or the like.
Next turn your attention to the wiring, quite simple chop off old plug and mate it up to the plug included in the walbro kit, exscuse the black marks on the crimps its just carbon from where i used a lighter to heatseal the crimps.
The walbro pump is fractionally larger in diameter and will not fit straight into the housing, you need to file dow the tabs that stick out until they are pretty much flush.
SLot the pump in. At this point also note the filter they give you in the kit does not fit without fouling the pump casing. Bin it and fit the OE filter that... does fit! (straight fit back onto the walbro pump)
Turn your attention to the top of the pump, youll need to replace the pipe that links the pump to the fuel housing "bowl", this was cut off when you removed the old pump (sorry didnt take pictures of that).
THe piece of pipe they included in the kit... you guessed it, its garbage. You have to flex the pipe over on a small radius, and it will kink and not work, you also dont have a massive amount of head room to fit it. I decided in the end to use some 90 degree connectors instead.
I used 13-15mm O clips on the pipe as i prefer them as a more permanent solution over jubilee clips.
And thats it job done