It really is such a good looking car. How much is the warranty if you don't mind?
It really is such a good looking car. How much is the warranty if you don't mind?
I think those wheels would look awesome in power silver.
Lovely car mate. Really nice that.
Begs the question; 335i or 335d? Hmm.
Lovely that an I agree that the turbo on d's can sound stunning not to mention the torque (oh baby), should get a video! Cars lovely! I should really consider a diesel tbh but I like M's an sports an I'm abit of a fool!Not sure if placebo, or the new turbos have made the car a hell of a lot quicker. I felt a little sick when i put my foot down in 1st, too used to zero power in the 116.
The turbo spooling and 'blowoff' are noticeable louder, sounds beautiful.
Few quick snaps on the way home from work last night.
£56 PCM? Hmmm... makes 335's not so scary. Makes my 135 remarkable... Woooyeah.
How longs the warrenty for? How old is your 335i CJ?
The receipt didn't give a price, but the breakdown was:Do you know how much the recent work ended up costing?
Do you have to buy car from a dealer to get the warranty?
Very nice mate, agree on the Silver wheels though, they look much fresher and bigger. Also needing a nice subtle spoiler on the bootlid, colour-coded, just looks a tad flat towards the back.
Just my opinion. Do you have pictures of it just lowered on Silver wheels?
Loving the idea of the warrenty! Is it cheaper on say a 320D and more on an M3 for example?
Is the MPG going to offend me if I go 335/135 from where I'm at now ceej?
Probably. You'll be lucky to see above 30 on a good run.
22-25 average I'd say.
300ish to a tank.
In comparison..
I'm averaging 34-36mpg, a motorway run does early 40's at 80mph, about 420-440 miles to the fuel light.. I've got a very heavy foot too.
Thats very interesting, just a shame you cant mod them. I'd want an exhaust, map and Competition WheelsAlthough they appear to go fine without it
Can't get a manual 335 can you?
Or do I have a diesel imagination barrier
Is the power steering and noise from the front end a new warranty claim? If so does that mean you have to pay another £100 excess? Hopefully they fix these problems and then its trouble free for a while.
Had an update from them, the power steering was caused by a flat/low charged battery, so that'll be fixed with an overnight charge.
They can not heat the knocking though, so either it's sorted itself out since I dropped it off, or they're not listening.
The more i read about BMW's the more and more unreliable it seems?
The more i read about new BMW's the more and more unreliable they seems