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ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy
Well done. A testament to your hard work, dedication and the help of many people. [emoji106]


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Just had a read of the whole build matey, felt it would be rude not to after the passenger laps on the weekend.

The hard work and effort by you and all involved clearly paid off, was really impressed with how sharp the car was on track and it pulled like a f**king train!

You planning on taking it out at trax?


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Just had a read of the whole build matey, felt it would be rude not to after the passenger laps on the weekend.

The hard work and effort by you and all involved clearly paid off, was really impressed with how sharp the car was on track and it pulled like a f**king train!

You planning on taking it out at trax?
Thanks fella, appreciate it!
I don't think I'll risk it at trax, as the track etiquette isn't always the best. 😂


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
  RB Clio 182
Just had a read of this mate, only realised on page 2 who you were! Nice meeting you at csf and glad the car behaved! see you at trax


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Well shamefully, the car has barely moved since it got back from blyton. Took it for a spin a couple of times, but otherwise it's been sitting in the garage, being fired up now and again.

It's now sorned, and I need to get a few things sorted.
Most pressing, although it's working using a tablet, is to get the speedo binnacle sorted.
Might have to call on a wiring guru again for that one though.

Also need to sort a spoiler.


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Been a little while since this was updated. Not much had happened between my last post and now, but this weekend, the gang came over to have some play time on our cars.

The plan for mine, was to fit the SM Inlet that I'd purchased from @Bear Head at CSF 2016!

Saturday Morning, everyone arrived, and we set to work. Myself & @fairm010 set to work on the SM inlet.

@fairm010 Seemed quite happy spannering away, so he did most of the removal and fitting, whilst I occasionally lent a hand, and took pictures.

We knew from the guide on the forum, that 2x 57mm spacers were need for the fuel rail bolts and approx 20mm needed to come off the coolant hose at the thermostat housing, so as not to foul the inlet (something we managed without having to drop the coolant!).


Injector O-rings came with the SM inlet kit, which was good as the old ones had seen better days...


With all the old inlet setup off, it was time for the new one to go on. This is where things got interesting....

Whilst I had the inlet in my garage, I didn't want it getting full of crap and dust, so I put some trusty blue roll down each of the outlets.
I had removed the 4 pieces from the ports to the head, but didn't see one in the big opening for the throttle body. Now my first mistake was thinking someone else had removed it. I would later be proved very wrong...

Inlet fitted, we fired her up, and the car started greatly, but quickly developed a misfire, so with the help of @Daz... @.Joe and @Steven103 we set about fault finding.

The misfire appeared to be on the cylinder closest to the driver's side, so after checking a spark, we swapped injector. Steven tested the injector that came off though, and it had the correct resistance.
All re-fitted, and now the mis-fire had moved to the next cylinder in!?

Now at this point, I believe the injector rail had been pulled off already, as Joe checked the position of the injectors, but it was removed again, and to everyone's shock, Joe instantly spotted something in the first cylinder. A big blob of something blue. HOLY s**t....

Me and Joe whipped the inlet off, to find the earlier mentioned blue roll that had been put in the throttle body port in storage, had fallen down into the inlet, was missed by me when fitting, and was now wedged against the valve stems in the intake port!!!

Thankfully, because it was trusty decent blue roll, and not cheap flimsy stuff, it had stayed together. Phew!!!

SM inlet refitted, and fired up first time again, and this time - no misfires!


It was at this point, with my blue roll incident, and @RyG 's battery relocation conundrum sorted, we went inside and enjoyed some pizzas.


A massive thank you to everyone who came by, helped out, and made the weekend truly hilarious.

@RyG @Bear Head @Steven103 @Gus @Alistair14 @fairm010 @.Joe @Daz... @Pink-182 and
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South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
The only other thing we discovered, is that the kit was of course purchased for a 182, but I have a 172, and hence, the breather plate on top of the engine is different.

I've got a few options - message the manufacturer and see if he can whip up/ sell me a 172 breather plate, use the 182 plate, but get it machined on the underside so it seals correctly, or, use the original breather plate (which I am for now anyway).

I've also ordered a coil relocation pack, and will refit the red performance leads when that arrives, but as of now, this is how she stands. Needs more green...



South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Today, the boys made their ways home, after @RyG had got his battery relocation issue sorted, and @fairm010 used his electrical wizardry, to fit a new plug into the DCI to replace the scorched one I currently had, meaning positions 2 & 4 on my blowers didn't work.

@Gus stayed around a bit longer, as he had a personal project he wanted to attempt on my clocks, to sort out my SERV and airbag lights.
As I no longer had any airbag ECU or wiring, I had no way of turning my lights off, that is, until Gus came in.

Using his genius, and a soldering iron, he had a little play with the clocks, adding a new darker trim, cleaner display, and plastic front (all things mine never had), and now I have a nice set of clocks in the car again.

I still have the issues with no temp or rev counter working (even though they work on the dash test), so the next plan is to try another interior loom to count out a wiring issue.


Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Very lucky with the blue roll bud, if that had got sucked in it would have been game over.


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Very lucky with the blue roll bud, if that had got sucked in it would have been game over.
Tell me about it! I believe it was the fact it was the proper garage blue roll stuff and not the thin flimsy stuff, that meant I wasn't staring at a very expensive mistake.

Very happy with how its performing now. Just need to sort out a few things and


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Popped down to the garage just to quickly sort a couple of things and just fire up the car again for s***s and giggles.

Added a new P-clip to the injector wiring loom, and swapped my leads back to my 10mm red leads (having used standard leads for testing at the weekend).

Hopefully my coil relocation bracket should arrive soon.

I've also ordered a new bulkhead heater panel from a cup to replace my non-cup one, which will get rid of the hole where the AC pipes used to run.


One thing I have noticed is it's now going to be a bit of a pig to check the oil level, as the dipstick is underneath the inlet.
I'm tempted to remove the slam bar and make a bracket for the top of the radiator.


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
So I've not done a lot for a while with the 172. Since the inlet was fitted, the car hasn't seen any action really.
Partly down to time, money and generally not loving it so much.

The non-working dash still annoys me. I lived with it last year, but it sucks to not have a rev counter or temp gauge.
Thanks to @Steven103 I discovered a new app which seems to work pretty well on my phone, and gives me the missing info (the previous app I was using didn't give me coolant temp).

So as it was a beautiful evening, I decided to take the car for a spin last night, to pick up some bits from Screwfix.
Car ran brilliantly, on the short trip into town, and sounded awesome when I booted it down the dual carriageway too!

It was only when I pulled up outside Screwfix, before I even came to a stop, that the car spluttered a bit and cut out.
Tried firing it back up again, and it spluttered but after about 5 seconds, fired into life.
It was then, I was greeted with the overpowering smell, of petrol. Fudge.....

Hopped out the car, and went to pop the bonnet open, and noticed, petrol, collecting in a dinner plate-sized puddle under the car.
Double Fudge!!!

Where the inlet had been fitted, obviously involved the fuel rail being removed, and the fuel line being disconnected.
The connector from the fuel line to the fuel rail, had partially popped off, probably when I booted it down the dual carriageway, and had liberally sprayed fuel over the engine mount, fuel rail, inlet and inside of the bumper.
Thankfully barely any hit the now hot rocker cover.

Left the bonnet up and grabbed the bits from Screwifx, and then pushed the connector back on and gingerly drove it home without issue.

So, I've ordered new connectors from Ktec. £5 for a pair:

And also got myself a pack of the o-rings. For reference, 1.5mm cross section and 7.5mm diameter
(as found on an old thread here: )

Won't hurt to have some spares!


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
So, as everyone has probably seen by now, the Track car is no more. Sad times, but I needed a bigger car, so the DCI is going as well.

On Monday, I become the new owner of a 2008 Ford S-Max 2.2 Titanium in Silver.

